All New X-Men
Sample pages of "All-New X-Men" vs Dr. Doom and his Doombots.
Teen Titans
Spider-Gwen Samples
Life In A Box
I can't say much about this project yet, other then it's part of a pitch that I helped with.
Joker and Harley Quinn
As part of an anthology series, Monsterpedia, Papazilla is a short story that will appear in Emerald City Comic Con exclusive.
Written by Winda Benedetti and art by me.
"Headlines" is a short story with pencils by Travis Kotzebue and inked and colored by myself. It appeared in an anthology called Monsterpedia.
I did this for the satire comic, Gutters a while back. It was fun to draw T'Challa and Groot before they became big movie stars. It's kind of weird to see Groot talking in normal dialog, but hey, it's satirical.
Comic Commission
Here is a commission comic I did a couple years back. I'm not sure what ever happened with it but I was pretty happy with the final result.
Fantastic Four Samples